Usage and perceptions of electronic patient records (EPR) experienced by health professionals and patients in the Canton of Vaud: A pilot study

Schoeb Mezzanotte Veronika (HESAV), Larocco Catherine (HESAV) et Robert Mathilde (HESAV)


The use of electronic patient records (EPR) in healthcare practice has become increasingly important and their potential to improve healthcare delivery, health promotion, coordination of care and disease monitoring has been well documented. The Canton of Vaud has joined the Association Cara to implement the EPR and so far 1000 persons have signed up as patients at the CHUV database. Yet, not much is known about the profile and usage of EPR in practice. This pilot mixed method sequential study aims (1) to document the profile of EPR users signed up at the CHUV; and (2) to explore the patients' and health professionals' perceptions about EPR use and its potential benefits and pitfalls. A quantitative analysis of EPR users at the CHUV followed by qualitative phenomenological interview study will allow to get an understanding of the current use and future adaptation for an efficient and useful digitalised EPR.

équipe de recherche


  • HES-SO - Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale - Rectorat


  • CHUV - Centre Hôspitalier Universitaire Vaudois